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강원도 여행하기 - Hiking report of Biseondae and Geumgwanggul in South Korea.

공부하는 순돌고모 2024. 2. 20. 00:14


코 흘리게 소싯적 강원도에 가주 놀려 가곤 했었다.

고향은 아니지만 7명의 이모님 중 2분이 설악산 주변에 살았었고 심지어 외삼촌도 속초에 살았다.  외가가 그쪽에 있다 보니 다른 아이들에 비해 자주 속초에 갔었다. 당시에는 양양고속도로가 뚫리지 않아 그 위험한 도로로 유명한 대관령 옛길로 고속버스가 다녔었는데 비가 오거나 눈이 오면 그 어린 나이에도 긴장이 될 정도로 공포스러웠다.


서울에서 강원도까지 버스로 이용하면  5시간이 걸리던 거리가 이제는 3시간 이내에 원하는 목적지에 도착할 만큼 도로가 잘 개선되었다. 그래서인지 다른 지방보다 유난히 강원도를 많이 찾게 되고 설악산으로 등산을 자주가고 있다. 작년 봄 1박 2일로 다녀온 강원도. 그중 잠깐이나마 맵게 등산했던 금강굴에 대한 내용을 적어볼까 한다. 


소공원은 공룡능선으로 가는 들머리로 인기가 있다. 그러나 공룡능선은 왠만한 경험자 아니고서는 생각지도 말아야 한다. 공룡능선 아니고도  2-3시간 이내로 왕복할 수 있는 흔들바위와 비선대, 비선대에서 조금만 더 가면 금강굴. 거기까지 코스는 짧지만 굻게 팍센 등산을 느낄 수 있다. 등산이 정말 싫다면 케이블카를 타고 권금성으로 갈 수 있으니 참조하시길 바란다.



Seorak Mountain is one of the most famous and popular national parks in South Korea. It is known for its scenic beauty, which changes dramatically with the seasons. The mountain is a breathtaking sight, with its rugged peaks and lush forests. After a short 20-30 minute hike, you can reach the area where you can enjoy one of the clearest views of the East Sea in all of Korea. This area is also well developed for tourism, with a variety of facilities for visitors to enjoy.

I will write a hiking report from the start at Sogongwon, through Sinheungsa, Biseondae, and finally reaching the final destination, Geumgwanggul. The hike will be during this coming winter.




1. Sogongwon ~Sinheungsa ~Biseondae

The trail begins at Sogongwon in Seorakdong park information center, can be reached by several courses, including the famous Dinosaur Ridge, Biseondae, and Gwongeumseong which can be used by cable car.


Sinheungsa is a historic temple built during the Silla period under Queen Jindeok and was reconstructed during the Joseon period under King Injo. Around Sinheungsa, there is also used to go Kweongumsong that you can visit, and the hiking trail is divided into several courses. The course we will take is the Biseondae course, which is relatively flat and has a stream flowing on one side and dense trees on the other, making it a pleasant walk. The round trip should take around 2 to 3 hours.



2. Biseondae ~  Geumgwanggul

It's interesting to know that Biseondae has a legend associated with a mountain god's ascension to heaven. The presence of Chinese characters on the rocks there adds to its historical significance.
The steep climb to Geumgwanggul, though only 600 meters, can take over 40 minutes to complete due to the challenging terrain. The presence of artificial iron stairs and irregular stone steps further adds to the difficulty. It must be quite a physical challenge to complete this part of the trail.
It's fascinating that Geumgwanggul has historical and cultural significance due to Wonhyo Daesa's meditation there. It's a testament to the spiritual value and natural beauty of the location that even prominent Buddhist monks chose it as a place of meditation.
The view of Seorak from Geumgwanggul is truly breathtaking, and it made me happy. It is quit impressive this kind of hike where I can fully experience nature without any worries or concerns. As I descended the path again, braving the fierce wind, I felt refreshed.
The hiking through Seorak Mountain was an unforgettable experience.  I highly recommend this hike to anyone looking for a winder adventure in South Korea.
금강굴로 가는 계단.


금강굴에서 바라본 설악산


'영어 글짓기' 카테고리의 다른 글

인간동물원 - 인간이 인간을 전시한 박람회.  (7) 2024.02.05